Text Editor

Render Warnings

If this homebrew is rendering badly if might be because of the following:
  • Built for Chrome
    Other browsers have not been tested for compatiblilty. If you experience issues with your document not rendering or printing properly, please try using the latest version of Chrome before submitting a bug report.


This website is always improving and we are still adding new features and squashing bugs. Keep the following in mind:
  • Don't delete your Homebrewery folder on Google Drive!

    We have had several reports of users losing their brews, not realizing that they had deleted the files on their Google Drive. If you have a Homebrewery folder on your Google Drive with *.txt files inside, do not delete it! We cannot help you recover files that you have deleted from your own Google Drive.

  • Protect your work!

    If you opt not to use your Google Drive, keep in mind that we do not save a history of your projects. Please make frequent backups of your brews!  See the FAQ to learn how to avoid losing your work!

  • Update v3.17.0!

    The last update dropped on the last day of january, and with it, a few new features we’ve been really excited about!

    This includes:

    • Horizontal spaces by using :>>>>>
    • Table column sizes by including % in the syntax: |:- 10% -:|:-90%--:|
    • New syntax for paragraph alignment! :-: :- -:
    • Adding CSS to the page directly, by setting it like so: \page {myStyles}
    • A new navigation per Ids to help you develop your document without needing to update your ToC!

    We hope you have a great time with these features and that they improve your experience using the tool.

    – The team

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